Applied InfoSec
22 okt. 2012Tags: Hig
IMT4561 Applied Information Security
(followed by IMT4541 - foundations of IS: Technology track)
- 3 lectures in total, two blocks each time on OS architecture, malware and database security (dB security might be (partly) skipped if time is an issue), each of them followed by "tutorials" (interactive student lead discussion sessions).
- Written 3 hour exam counting 2/3
- Term paper counting 1/3 of the final grade. Subject and abstract must be determined by 16 November and based on / related to the curriculum. Delivered by 14. December (might be delayed if the school administration allows for this). It is highly recommended to use LaTeX (markup language for scientific papers)
- The curriculum / syllabus contains a huge "menu" of reads. It's obviously not enough time to read it all, but choose whats most interesting and get as much out of the course as possible.
Lecture notes
My project paper

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Book: Computer Security D. Gollmann, 3nd edition (294,-) (Covers about 80%..)
Ch. 3,6,7,8,9,10
Book: Computer Security: Art and Science M. Bishop (The book is not *that* important..)
Ch. 13,18,19,20,22,23,24
PDF: Capability-Based Computer Systems H. M. Levy (available in fronter)
PDF: Building a secure computer system M. Gasser (available in fronter)
PDF: Reflecting on Trusting Trust K. Thompson soure
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