Minecraft farms
16 feb. 2023This post is for the various farms I have added to my Minecraft world. I started the world back in bedrock version 1.14 with the seed -1718215800. This was back in 2022 on playstation 4, hence the bedrock versjon. Otherwise I would probably have gone for the Java version.

0 is the spawn point, and there are some water temples nearby. 1 is my main base. 2 is the raid farm. 3 is the closest end gate. 4 is my initial base. 5 is the closest wooden mansion. It was generated way before allays where introduces, so I had to go quite far up north-east to find some for the fish- and raid farms.

This is the surface of my base island
1 is a sugar cane farm. Fully manually, but with so many plants it covers all my paper needs for rockets.
2 is a cow farm. It’s mostly manual. The newborn cows fall down to the kill chamber where I use a fire aspect sword so that I can skip the cooking stage.
3 is a crop farm. Collection is automatic via a button that triggers water streams from dispensers and hoppers at the end to collect the produce.
4 is a rabbit farm. Fully manual, but the space keeps the rabbits from escaping. Most of the time.
5 is an automatic wood farm that can be used with tree types that does not branch out. The tree stem is collected and moved into a 2D block.
6 is a slime farm. Built on slime blocks and using snow golems in order to aggregate the slimes and have them jump out on magma blocks. Due to bad planning I can only have snow golems on one of the sides. It’s too warm on the other.
7 is a geode fully exposed. There are more of them in the area. When waiting for the slime farm to work, simulaneously the crystals grow. The trick with crystals is to harvest with a fortune axe with low efficiency in order not to break the source block.
8 is a wool farm. It detects when the sheep has eaten grass and uses a dispenser with a shear to cut the sheeps wool. Fully automatic, but needs refilling of shears.
9 is a honey farm. It is fully automatic and collects the bottles of honey.
Bellow ground I have a trading center, an auto sorter feeded from a chest or from shulker boxes. I also have a brewing room.

An Iron farm. Its basically a village, here with 20 villagers and 20 beds and villagers linked to theirs workstations. Iron golems (and cats) spawn above and is dragged into a lava source and then into a sorting system.

With mob farms that spawn in it´s important to be standing in the right location.
This is a mob farm located on the other side of the island. It is a very simple design with a roof blocking light and a few layers of platforms where water push the mobs down and onto layer of witch fire camps.
There is a sphere around the player where no mobs can spawn (with some exceptions like raids). 24 blocks. From 25 out to 54 mobs can spawn. Outside this mobs despawn first at random and then there is a hard cut. There are also caps on how many mobs can be in the world at the same time, so choosing the location where the player stands while the farm is running is important. Good locations are places where the only valid spawn location is inside the farm. In bedrock mobs spawn from top of the world to the bottom, so having farms up in the air (when possible) is usually a good idea. That way there is less area to spawn proof (with non-spawnable blocks).
Gold farm are interesting. Piglins from the Nether drop gold bars, gold nugets and tones of gold swords. On bedrock edition they will spawn in from the Nether by chance depending on the size of the portal and it happens every time the portal is lit. The idea then is to have one or more big portals being ignited over and over again. This can be done with a circuit dispensing water combined with lava or flint and steel in a dispenser. I have a water stream moving the piglins to a 20 block drop where a trident killer awaits. The loot is sent through a filter where swords are sent to a furnace setup and the gold bars are sent bak up to the chest area.

A tropical fish farm using soul sand bellow water. It creates a bubble stream where fish is sent to the surface and suffocates. Allays (blue birds) then pick up the items I want and drop them by a noteblock where a sorting system takes over.

The Enderman farm is buildt outside of the end island. It uses an endermite in a minecart in order to attract endermen. The endermen will fall down and loose almost all health, so that the player can kill them with any item.
The Wither farm was probably the hardest farm to build, as it requires knowledge of the invisible spawn blocks out at a nether fortress.

A creative copy of the world in order to identify the spawnable areas (using command blocks) and plan where the brute shall be placed.
Only wither skeletons can spawn if a wither rose is placed on the spawn block and at the same time adjacent blocks to north and west are blocked. A piglin brute will aggro the wither skeleton and make them run out onto trapdoors where they will fall. A lava layer blocks their fall so they don't die. They will fall through and don't take damage from lava. At the bottom I have another trident killer and the player can hold a looting III sword in order to maximize output. I have an item sorter underneath that will forward useless items and throw them into a lava pit.
I also had to spwn proof a large area around in order not to fill them mob cap with mobs outside of the farm.

The Blaze farm is quite simple since it relies on blaze spawners. The spawners will fall down into a lava lake and are sent to a chamber where a trident killer awaits them. The area is boxed in and the space above the spawner is covered with blocks so that they don't spawn in on top of it.
I have a shulker farm somewhere in the End. Not quite sure at the moment. I think it's directly south of the middle island, but since I could not find it when taking snapshots.. well, there is nothing to show atm.
Lastly, but by no means least is the raid farm.
The whole thing is quite tall. Raid parties spawn on top. Player stands in the middle with a looting sword in hand, while pillagers are killed bellow.
Around the AFK area I had to put a lot of boats in order to trap the vexes.
Sorting system with allays at the end, picking up totems of undying and enchanted books.
A raid happens when the player kills a pillager captain (the one with the banner) the next time the player enters a village. Captains spawn randomly in the world, but that is useless for a farm. They also spawn in pillager towers. Once the spot is identified, one simply builds a trident killer that will automatically kill the captain once spawned in. Next step is to place ourself the player vertically up far enough that the captain can spawn in, but at the same time being bellow another chamber where the raid will take place. So, even higher one needs a bed with a villager, secured so that the villager is not killed by accident. Then One builds another kill chamber with water streams leading the raid party into it. The whole thing must be buildt so that the only spawnable spots are inside the kill chamber. This can be archievd achieved by using mostly leaves where solid blocks are not required. Bellow the upper kill chamber I have a dropper that outputs the loot and drops it to the ground where I have a sorter using allays in order to sort out the non-stackable items and the emeralds. The rest goes into a fire.