Skien and a long queue
21 sept. 2012Tags: Gjøvik
It's finally weekend, and I've now been a student for five weeks! Our current subjects are
..and it's actually quite interesting. Most lectures are in English, and most of my co-students are from other countries so this is kind of a new setting, but it's a great importunity for improving my English speaking skills.
I went back home to Skien last weekend and a weekend a few weeks earlier. My first trip with the goal of picking up my car, and driving home a ton of stuff filling my current tiny room. The second time for celebrating my cousins soon to be married last days as a "free man", a real bachelor party in other words :)

We played paintball with him dressed up in a prisoner costume, had a barbecue and played some poker. There are always a few issues when arranging something like this. We ordered the prisoner costume two weeks in advance, and when I checked back home tree days before it still had not come. The online shop had forgotten to update the inventory and also forgot to tell us they didn't have it in stock. I also bought a poker set on and agreed to pick it up right outside of the train station in Oslo, at the "ruter" tower. I came early and looked all around for like 40 minutes until he kind of understood it was me he was looking for. Should have asked for the phone number, since everybody doesn't have access to mail wherever they are.
Anyway, got home quite late, and we had to visit like every store in Skien the next day trying to get something to make the costume from, buying food and preparing for the event starting at 14.00.
Last night we went out to the student house "huset", trying to like socialize. It oped at 10pm and one might say it would have been favorable showing up earlier. It's autumn and its getting cold during the night. We waited something closer to 1.5 hour in queue before reaching the entrance. The Facebook page had something like 400+ people saying they were going and it certainly looked like that way. Standing in a queue is kind of boring in itself, but it's a great place meeting new people. I mean, what else are you gonna do? Your kind of stuck, and the width of the queue kind of expanded cause of the temperature so it wasn't so bad if you kept away from the borders. Unfortunately my student ID was not accepted as entry pass, so I had to go back and get my driver license, and when I got back I had to restart the queue. Meet a few new people, got inside, walked around without a purpose and soon after the party was over.