Revolution Health Radio
1 Jan. 2011Tags: Podcast

Har gitt denne podcasten litt opp i det siste. Språket har blitt så spesialisert med engelske "legebegreper" at jeg ikke lenger har så mye igjen for å høre på den.
- RHR: Live From AHS12 – New Research and Theories on Nutrition and Health
- RHR: Pioneering Researcher Alessio Fasano M.D. on Gluten, Autoimmunity & Leaky Gut
- RHR: Testing for SIBO, Graves Disease, and all about Anemia
- RHR: The Latest Discoveries in Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, and Epigenetics
- RHR: The Afternoon Sugar Crash, Green Smoothies, and Liver Detoxification
- RHR: What Science Really Says About the Paleo Diet – With Mat Lalonde
- RHR: The Gut as the Second Brain, Group B Strep During Pregnancy and Unwanted Synthroid Side Effects
- RHR: Raw Milk Safety, Iron Overload and Finding Calm In Stressful Situations
- RHR: CoQ10, Vaccination, and Natural Treatment for Migraines
- RHR: Chronic Stress, Cortisol Resistance, and Modern Disease
- RHR: Does Red Meat Increase Your Risk of Death?
- RHR: The Placebo Effect and The Power of Belief in Healing
- RHR: The highly effective (but little known) treatment for chronic sinusitis
- RHR: Chris Masterjohn on cholesterol & heart disease (part 3)
- RHR: Why It’s So Hard To Lose Weight – And Keep It Off
- RHR: Could copper-zinc inbalance be making you sick?
- RHR: Naturally get rid of acne by fixing your gut
- RHR: Can autoimmune disease be prevented and reversed?
- Can you be healthy if you don't eat a Paleo diet?
- Answers to your burning questions about digestion
- Low cholesterol is associated with higher risk of death in women
- Nutrition & healing, obstacles to optimal health, macronutrient ratios and more
- Chris Masterjohn on cholesterol & heart disease (part 2)
- Dr. Paul Jaminet on chronic infections, depression & more
- Andropause (a.k.a. “manopause”, male menopause)
- Dr. Emily Deans on nutrition and mental health
- “Grab bag” super special
- Chris Masterjohn on cholesterol & heart disease (Part 1)
- Stephan Guyenet on food reward and weight loss
- The “gut-brain axis”
- Paleo Nerd-A-Thon with Mat LaLonde & Robb Wolf
- Nutrition for fertility, pregnancy & breastfeeding
- Kurt Harris on orthorexia, meditation, lipids & more
- Paleo vs. GAPS vs. Weston A. Price
- Raw dairy, IGF-1 and cancer
- Properly prepared grains – worth the trouble?
- A1 vs. A2 milk: significant difference or bogus theory?
- Raw dairy, IGF-1 and cancer
- Hashimoto’s, leaky gut & autoimmune disease
- Amming, autoimune diseases (immunforsvaret angriper egne celler), leaky gut
- Can antibiotics cause autoimmune disease?
- What is the best diet to heal the gut?
- Amming, autoimune diseases (immunforsvaret angriper egne celler), leaky gut
- Blood type diet, anemia, PCOS, stains & more
- Blod-type-diet, Oksygenleveranse og jerns rolle, kosttilskudd, karbohydrater: ikke kutt dem helt ut.
- Blod-type-diet, Oksygenleveranse og jerns rolle, kosttilskudd, karbohydrater: ikke kutt dem helt ut.
- Essential fatty accids, fish & fish oil
- Hvordan omega-3 og omega-6 blir omdannet i kroppen, hva disse flerumettede fettsyrene gjør, anbefalt daglig inntak, tran (fish oil)... Forskjellen på
- Årsakssammenheng "causation" i forhold til samsvar "correlation".. Blir opptak av vitamin D dårligere med inntak av mye vitamin A?
- Hvordan omega-3 og omega-6 blir omdannet i kroppen, hva disse flerumettede fettsyrene gjør, anbefalt daglig inntak, tran (fish oil)... Forskjellen på
- Stephan Guyenet on causes and treatment of obesity
- Noen studier om lav-karbo og mye fokus på fettreduksjon ved å forklare at kroppen regulerer hvordan den vil lagre energi (i muskler eller som fett) alt ettersom hva du spiser.
- Noen studier om lav-karbo og mye fokus på fettreduksjon ved å forklare at kroppen regulerer hvordan den vil lagre energi (i muskler eller som fett) alt ettersom hva du spiser.
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