Revolution Health Radio

1 Jan. 2011
Tags: Podcast

Er tidligere kjent som "The Healthy Skeptic", og er en podcast med Chriss Kresser. Den omhandler moderne kostholdsråd basert på ny forskning og kan lastes ned direkte eller abonneres på via iTunes.

Har gitt denne podcasten litt opp i det siste. Språket har blitt så spesialisert med engelske "legebegreper" at jeg ikke lenger har så mye igjen for å høre på den.


  1. RHR: Live From AHS12 – New Research and Theories on Nutrition and Health
  2. RHR: Pioneering Researcher Alessio Fasano M.D. on Gluten, Autoimmunity & Leaky Gut
  3. RHR: Testing for SIBO, Graves Disease, and all about Anemia
  4. RHR: The Latest Discoveries in Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, and Epigenetics
  5. RHR: The Afternoon Sugar Crash, Green Smoothies, and Liver Detoxification
  6. RHR: What Science Really Says About the Paleo Diet – With Mat Lalonde
  7. RHR: The Gut as the Second Brain, Group B Strep During Pregnancy and Unwanted Synthroid Side Effects
  8. RHR: Raw Milk Safety, Iron Overload and Finding Calm In Stressful Situations
  9. RHR: CoQ10, Vaccination, and Natural Treatment for Migraines
  10. RHR: Chronic Stress, Cortisol Resistance, and Modern Disease
  11. RHR: Does Red Meat Increase Your Risk of Death?
  12. RHR: The Placebo Effect and The Power of Belief in Healing
  13. RHR: The highly effective (but little known) treatment for chronic sinusitis
  14. RHR: Chris Masterjohn on cholesterol & heart disease (part 3)
  15. RHR: Why It’s So Hard To Lose Weight – And Keep It Off
  16. RHR: Could copper-zinc inbalance be making you sick?
  17. RHR: Naturally get rid of acne by fixing your gut
  18. RHR: Can autoimmune disease be prevented and reversed?
  19. Can you be healthy if you don't eat a Paleo diet?
  20. Answers to your burning questions about digestion
  21. Low cholesterol is associated with higher risk of death in women
  22. Nutrition & healing, obstacles to optimal health, macronutrient ratios and more
  23. Chris Masterjohn on cholesterol & heart disease (part 2)
  24. Dr. Paul Jaminet on chronic infections, depression & more
  25. Andropause (a.k.a. “manopause”, male menopause)
  26. Dr. Emily Deans on nutrition and mental health
  27. “Grab bag” super special
  28. Chris Masterjohn on cholesterol & heart disease (Part 1)
  29. Stephan Guyenet on food reward and weight loss
  30. The “gut-brain axis”
  31. Paleo Nerd-A-Thon with Mat LaLonde & Robb Wolf
  32. Nutrition for fertility, pregnancy & breastfeeding
  33. Kurt Harris on orthorexia, meditation, lipids & more

  34. Paleo vs. GAPS vs. Weston A. Price
    • Raw dairy, IGF-1 and cancer
    • Properly prepared grains – worth the trouble?
    • A1 vs. A2 milk: significant difference or bogus theory?

  35. Hashimoto’s, leaky gut & autoimmune disease
    • Amming, autoimune diseases (immunforsvaret angriper egne celler), leaky gut
    • Can antibiotics cause autoimmune disease?
    • What is the best diet to heal the gut?

  36. Blood type diet, anemia, PCOS, stains & more
    • Blod-type-diet, Oksygenleveranse og jerns rolle, kosttilskudd, karbohydrater: ikke kutt dem helt ut.

  37. Essential fatty accids, fish & fish oil
    • Hvordan omega-3 og omega-6 blir omdannet i kroppen, hva disse flerumettede fettsyrene gjør, anbefalt daglig inntak, tran (fish oil)... Forskjellen på
    • Årsakssammenheng "causation" i forhold til samsvar "correlation".. Blir opptak av vitamin D dårligere med inntak av mye vitamin A?

  38. Stephan Guyenet on causes and treatment of obesity
    • Noen studier om lav-karbo og mye fokus på fettreduksjon ved å forklare at kroppen regulerer hvordan den vil lagre energi (i muskler eller som fett) alt ettersom hva du spiser.