Summer vacation '13
24 jul. 2013Tags: Bryllup , Reparere , Skyrim , Tønsberg
Week 26
Final delivery this semester was computational forensics and digital forensics papers with due date 25th june, and since then I've had the longest summer vacation in many years. I'm probably going to upload the project in computational here when I had the time to optimize it a bit.
I worked this first week as an IT assistant back in Skien, and we mostly focused on fixing small bugs and installing some network monitoring this first week. In the evenings we played frisbee golf and volley ball when the weather allowed it, and watched the new super man movie "man of steel" and did some programing on this webpage thing to improve a dozen things that had been laying on my "to do" list for quite some time, like the tax and loan calculators.
Week 27
One of the other IT personnel got back from sick leave, so we decided there were no real need for me the next two weeks, so I continued programing early this week and traveled back to Gjøvik to celebrate a new "roommate" moving in where I live, traveling together with my brother. We also used the opportunity to listen to a new audio book of the Antares triology while we were driving. The first book is called "Antares dawn" and is highly recommended!
Week 28
We got back to Skien on Monday and also packed the car with stuff not really needed in order to store it back home, visited our father just back from a trip walking in the mountains, just before they left for Bodø visiting old friends for 2 weeks. My brother and me spent some days at fathers house and watched some episodes of Continuum on HBO.
I also started scanning all the old photos I could find of my brother, sister and me from the days back when we were kids, both at my father and mother. It was before digital cameras. I brought my almost never used multi printer, bought ink for 770,- just in order to get the scanner part of it to work. I threw away the old cartridges, and unfortunately the printer won't get past a stupid error message when no one is installed. It took quite some time, and some of the photos were glued to the paper, resulting in scanning whole pages and rotating them manually. Bought VueScan for scanning and used Pinta (crashing with "division by zero" all the time) and Gimp (slow and strange but with many nice features like arbitrary rotation) for editing. Phatch for batch picture resizing from 1200 DPI to about 600. A total of 379 images were the end result after about a week of work.
Week 29
Back to work, and this week our plan was to do some serious clean-up in the server room, and prepare for moving some backup storage units to a new location. The current network configuration was a mess, but my the end of the week we had quite good control of the data flow and a lot of unused ethernet cables unplugged. Visited Seival and Brevik on Friday, and Saturday was dedicated to the groom to be, Aleksander, getting married to my cousin Helle.
Week 30
This week so far has mostly been swimming and relaxing in the sun at Åletjern, playing tennis and watching the movie "Pornopung" in the cinema. It was a somewhat funny but mostly strange and dark movie..
Completed the 2nd book "Antares passage" while walking all over the place, and also soon finished with the 3rd book "Antares victory".

The three books of the antares series by Michael McCollum. Completed all the audiobooks from Audible
Week 31
Changed mobile subscription this week. Had Netcom last year, and just as the one year deal of 400 SMS/voice and 800MB data + Spotify for 229 turned, they decided to simply push the monthly price to 279 not including Spotify for free anymore. Probably hoping it would not be noticed. Switched to OneCall as they give you unlimited SMS/voice and 1000MB data for 199. I ordered nano SIM instead of micro SIM by mistake. The choices were "normal" and nano and I knew the normal SIM card would not fit. Still, using tape I was able to align the nano card inside the micro tray.
We also Visited our aunt in Tønsberg, where she was trying to sell her allotment garden and our cousin Helle is getting married tomorrow, Saturday. Bought a new camera lens, a fixed 50mm f/1.8 for for taking portraits and also allowing for lower light settings.
Week 32
Back to Gjøvik, preparing for school and playing some more Skyrim. I think I have completed the main quest and I bought 3 DLC's Hearthfire, Dragonborn and Dawnguard. The first one is for allowing to build three new homes and adopt children. Built two homes now. A home and the 2nd is a weapon depot. Had to deactivate some mods for Hearthfire to work. Probably a mod used for enhancing the outdoors. "Distant terrain" something. One of my nord followers also did not want to change her default outfit, so I installed "Amazing followers tweaks" and was then able to actually replace the boring fur armor. The console commands "removeitem" (using "showinventory" to get the refID) was only temporary.

Week 33
Almost semester start. Edited some old raw footage. Removed a lot of old files from my external hard drives and swapped out my OS disk with two older 750GB disks in RAID 0. They are barely faster than my single 1500GB previous OS disk and the random access time is worse with the RAIDED disks, but it's still cool to see 140MB/s transfer rates on spinning disks. Guess I have to go SSD soon...

2x750GB RAID0

Single 1500GB